Select your preferred payment option

Select this payment option to register using a variety of payment methods in USD currency. After your payment is received we will send you an email confirmation to complete your registration.

Select this payment option to register in naira using your bank card. Please note this option accounts for the conversion rate which consistently fluctuates. After your payment is received we will send you an email confirmation to complete your registration.

Select this payment option to wire the exact amount in dollars to the bank account details provided below. Once you have completed this transaction, please take a picture of the receipt of payment from your bank account showing your full name as it appears on your registration, the Transaction ID, date of transaction, and exact amount of transaction. 

Please email proof of this transaction to  to finalize your registration and receive a final confirmation of receipt of payment. After your payment is received we will send you an email confirmation to complete your registration.

Have any questions about payment?
Feel free to contact our team via email on with any further enquiries.
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